Why Institutions Should Prioritize Communication with Parents— Not Just Students
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Why Institutions Should Prioritize Communication with Parents— Not Just Students

Why Institutions Should Prioritize Communication with Parents– Not Just Students
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The decision to enroll in college is a big one. Although many high school seniors are on the cusp of independence, their families still play a vital role in helping them decide where to attend college. Because they have such a large influence on their students, it is a good idea to focus on a strategy that includes communication with parents. 

Only 64% of current college students’ families report being happy with the communication they receive from their student’s institution. This means there’s a significant communication gap, and with the right communication strategy, your institution can position itself as the school for prospective students. 

If your institution’s communication strategy excludes parents, you’re missing out on creating valuable connections with your academic community. In this post, we’ll discuss the role of parents in the college decision process and give you three good reasons why communicating with parents is essential.

The Role of Parents in the College Decision Process

Whether high school seniors want to admit it or not, their parents’ opinions often weigh heavily in their decisions, including where to attend college. In fact, 48% of students agree that parental influence is one of the top five sources of information about the college admissions process. 

Because parents are often influential, your institution has a unique opportunity to connect with them on a deeper level about important topics, like financial aid and student services, that their students might otherwise overlook. 

Think of parents as your allies. By sharing valuable information with them, you’re working together to attract their children to your campus. Here are three more reasons why communication with parents is essential, plus ways you can strengthen your communication strategies.

Three Reasons Communication with Parents Is Essential

1. Combatting College Uncertainty

For many high school students, the idea of enrolling in college can bring a significant amount of uncertainty. They may question whether they’re ready to enroll in college-level courses, whether they’ll be able to adjust to a new routine in an unfamiliar environment, or whether college is worth the financial investment.

All of these worries and concerns are normal. However, answering these questions can be tough for parents, especially if resources are not readily available or easy to find on your website. 78% of families with college-age students have expressed a need for improved information regarding housing, academic support, dining services, and mental health resources. 

Because so many families agree that more support is needed, brainstorming strategies for communicating vital information with parents to ease worries and uncertainty is a smart idea. One strategy could be sending text messages with important links, which is an easy way to fill in the communication gap.

2. Proving the Value of Higher Education to Parents

Here’s a staggering truth: only 36% of Americans hold confidence in higher education. From political turmoil to crashing job markets, it’s no wonder many college-age students find it challenging to find value in higher education.

Although students may question whether attending college is worth the money, many parents still see its benefits. In fact, 77% of families say that tuition is a worthwhile investment in their child’s future. College doesn’t just provide an education; it helps prepare them for job readiness through placements and internships and provides them with opportunities they might not otherwise have outside of their college careers.

As part of your communication strategy with parents, consider sharing exciting internship opportunities and highlighting stories of your successful alumni. Parents who are excited about their student’s potential career paths and the opportunities they bring will share their excitement with their students, proving that attending college is a smart investment of their time and money.

3. Addressing Financial Concerns and Offering Support

College is an investment, and it’s no secret that it can get expensive. According to The Princeton Review, 98% of their survey respondents said they would need some sort of financial aid to pay for their college, and 80% of those respondents said financial aid would be necessary to attend.

On top of that, high school students are less likely to attend college if they think their families can’t afford it.

Many parents do not want their children to put their academic careers on hold due to finances, which is why it’s important to advertise your scholarship and financial aid programs. By making this information available, you’re helping prospective students and their parents ease the financial burden and worries of college.

If parents are confident, there’s a high chance that their college-aged kids will be, too. 

Mongoose: Higher Ed’s Premier Engagement Platform

While prospective students might be one of your institution’s core target audiences, you should also prioritize communicating with parents. Parents are influential figures in their childrens’ lives, and it’s their opinions students will heavily consider when deciding to apply for college.

So, if you can decrease parents’ worries and increase their confidence in your institution, you’re one step closer to attracting prospective students and increasing your enrollment. 

Just like with communicating with students, though, your institution needs a conversational engagement platform to connect with parents in a meaningful way. That’s where Mongoose comes in. Mongoose is conversational software designed to make connecting with students and their families easier. 

To learn more about Mongoose, contact us today to schedule a demo.