Schools and Technology: How to Leverage a Communication Platform to Support Students
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Schools and Technology: How to Leverage a Communication Platform to Support Students

A student sits on the ground with her laptop.
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Some things just go together, like peanut butter and jelly, movies and popcorn, and schools and technology. 

Technology has been a part of learning for, well, forever. Think about it. Calculators have helped countless students master math concepts. Computers (and typewriters in the early days) have helped students learn to type. Plus, the internet has allowed campus administrators to test out new software to provide critical support to students in their academic careers.

A communication platform like Mongoose is a valuable addition to any college campus. Let’s look at a few reasons these tools are beneficial and then cover how to use them to support your students better. 

Five Benefits of Using Communication Platforms on Campus

Staying connected with the students on your campus should be a high priority for you and your team. When it comes down to it, your highly qualified graduates are the best publicity for your school, and alumni are often great recruiters for your campus. 

But it takes a village to transform your students from incoming freshmen to college graduates. Constant communication is one way to ensure they have the support they need to succeed in their academic endeavors.

Here are five benefits of using a communication platform to support your students.

  • Better Student Engagement: Students who are engaged and connected on campus are more likely to stay motivated and experience better mental health.
  • Higher Retention Rates: AI-enabled communication software can help students easily enroll in classes. By offering extra support during admissions and enrollment, you and your team eliminate potential barriers for your students.
  • More Support for All Students: Whether your students are enrolled online, in-person, or hybrid, it can help you quickly reach students needing support who may otherwise go unnoticed. 
  • Enhanced Academic Advising:  It makes it easier for students to receive academic support and advising. AI chatbots can suggest classes for students to enroll in based on their degree track.
  • Real-time Analysis: Conversation software like Mongoose performs student sentiment analysis, helping you and your team avoid potential crises.

Keeping in regular contact with your students is a good thing. However, it can be challenging for your academic advisors to stay on top of communicating with students, especially when student needs constantly change and other things are on their to-do lists. 

That’s why it’s so essential to bring schools and technology together. Let’s look at how you can leverage a communication tool like Mongoose to support your students, even when your team is busy.

What Is Mongoose?

Mongoose is an all-in-one communication platform that makes connecting with the students on campus easy. Plus, it’s AI-enabled, which means you gain access to better insights to help support your students.

Three Ways Mongoose Can Enhance Your Communication Strategy

1. Directly Text Your Students

99% of college-aged students use a cell phone. If you want to quickly reach them with important messages, reminders about events, or information regarding mental health services, sending a text or SMS message is an excellent way to contact them. 

Plus, 95% of text messages are read and responded to within three minutes of being received, so it’s a good bet your students will engage with your communications.

With Mongoose’s SMS and WhatsApp messaging, you can use preset texting templates to reach your students. And, you can include pictures, like memes, in your messages to grab their attention. A well-timed meme always lands well and can help create deeper connections with your students.

2. 24/7 AI-Chat Capability

When students have questions, they want immediate answers. But sometimes, an immediate answer is just not possible. Your advising team could be in a meeting, or the question arises during off-hours. Adding a chatbot to your university website is a great way to increase your overall response time and provide answers instantly

Mongoose’s AI chatbot is intuitive, and because it’s trained on your campus’ data, it can suggest the best, most appropriate answers to student questions any time of day. And your team can monitor the chat and step in when a more nuanced answer is required.

3. Uncover Valuable Insights

If you’ve ever wanted a way to quickly analyze student conversations as a whole, now you can. Mongoose can easily integrate with your student management system and analyze conversations in real-time. This is especially useful because the insights can reveal emotions, sentiments, trends, and actions.

Once you and your team better understand your students, you can plan proactive responses to better support them. This might mean that you and your team send encouraging SMS messages to motivate students during exam week or plan timely activities to help boost their mental health. With valuable insights based on student conversations, your support is limitless.

Elevate Your Campus Communications with Mongoose

Schools and technology are a dynamic duo necessary to helping students reach their ultimate goal: graduating and landing their dream jobs. While some technology is student-focused, like personal laptops and calculators, other technology, like communication platforms, can provide support for students throughout their entire lifecycle. 

It also makes engaging and connecting with your students easier than ever. When your students feel connected on campus, they’re more likely to stay enrolled and graduate.

If you’re ready to learn more about how Mongoose can help your institution connect with your students, book a demo with us today.